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The catchphrase of Revolver Ocelot from the Metal Gear Solid series. 8:40. You're pretty good Metal Gear Solid 4® is a registered product of Kojima Productions® and konamijpn. I just love stop motionFor anyone curious the tweet wasReminds me of taking an animation class in high school and lots of my peers were having trouble so I ended up helping teach 3-4 people at least on how to use Flash. Découvrez You're Pretty Good de Bebopovsky And The Orkestry Podyezdov sur Amazon Music. Wheeeee.That was the main story for a studio 60 on the sunset strip episode, they told a joke on air, then during an ad break someone on social media called them out for stealing the joke from a comedian, they address it after the ad break and apologies, then when trying to get in touch with the original comedian find out that he actually worked for them 5 years earlier and wrote it for a bit on the show. The bike set-up and the tyres were pretty good therefore I felt comfortable for the rest of the race and was able to pass several riders including Toseland. Jim Browning Recommended for you. The Leaderboard 1,223,587 views. This video is made for non-profit and is not for re-sale.

Come time for our final assignment, I made a man-horse running with his tie flapping in the wind, and the teacher had the audacity to ask me where I stole it from knowing full well I had spend time after class helping others because I was so far ahead.I applied for a volunteer job once and submitted some example work, and they claimed I had just copied it. For instance, I posted a video of some stop motion and someone claimed I stole it from someone.

Écoutez de la musique en streaming sans publicité ou achetez des CDs et MP3 maintenant sur Amazon.fr. You're pretty good You're pretty good You're pretty good We're AWESOME! Calling Scammers by their real names - Duration: 20:55.

Un problème s'est produit lors du chargement de ce menu pour le moment.Un problème empêche la création d'un aperçu de votre panier pour le moment.Donnez-lui un sens - remplissez-le de livres, de DVD, de vêtements, d'équipements électroniques, et plus encoreNous utilisons des cookies et des outils similaires pour faciliter vos achats, fournir nos services, pour comprendre comment les clients utilisent nos services afin de pouvoir apporter des améliorations, et pour présenter des annonces. 42:09. So the show owned the original joke after all.I read that they were doing a hand stand and was so very confused for a good 17 seconds...Meanwhile in France, major stand up artist steal jokes from American stand up starsSame thing in music. For instance, I posted a video of some stop motion and someone claimed I stole it from someone. I know this post is old, but do you mind sparing a link to the animation?

luciocecchinello.com. Traductions en contexte de "You're feelin' pretty good" en anglais-français avec Reverso Context : Evolution of "You're Pretty Good" in Metal Gear Solid - Duration: 3:05.

And it turns out, shockingly, when you have millions of amateur comedians on twitter all just desperate to break out by making a really hilarious joke about whatever the trending thing on twitter is, a lot of comedians make the exact same joke, all without stealing from each other.Someone once told me I was selling stolen scripts and linked me where it was for sale.I figured they wouldn’t have laughed had I said it, so it didn’t matter.It was my script. The … Des tiers approuvés ont également recours à ces outils dans le cadre de notre affichage d’annonces. 20:55. They all laughed.Conan had a whole thing where he was being sued by a twitter guy for stealing the twitter guy's super hilarious tweet for the monologue. 958,835 views.

sur Amazon Music. Découvrez You're Pretty Good de Chixdiggit!

There was really not much I could do about it.

They stole it. Écoutez de la musique en streaming sans publicité ou achetez des CDs et MP3 maintenant sur Amazon.fr. Given to him by Big Boss in MGS3, then given from Ocelot to Solid Snake many years later. When the fundamental building blocks of your work are the same, you're going to build the same thing as someone else at some point.So inform them politely and then divekick their sisterThat's pretty cool that someone recognized your work, thought it was so good it was worth confrontation over, and then it turned out it was yours. And it's not the accuser's fault for not believing; it's because people actually steal shit and get away with it.A viral tweet isn't stealing.I remember one time hanging out with my friend and a few girls back in high school my friend made the exact joke that I was going to make, but I thought it was too lame and they wouldn’t laugh.

And what they determined after having a team dedicated to scouring twitter for any jokes they were planning on telling that to make sure they weren't "stealing" them from twitter feeds they'd never heard of.