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All lyrics provided for educational purposes only.In my point of view i think kurt choose this song because of hes suicide in a way he lowkey put it there cause of the he feels "in going where the cold wind blows" he wants to die cause the way he sings it, but its my point of view of the song.A Nirvana fan requested this, knowing it wasn't written by Nirvana, but here's my understanding, it's about a guy, who comes home to find his wife/girlfriend having an affair, and he asks her where she slept last night?
It was what it was, words that evolved until they felt right. Tell me where did you sleep last night In the pines, in the pines Where the sun don't ever shine I would shiver the whole night through My girl, my girl, where will you go I'm going where the cold wind blows In the pines, in the pines Where the sun don't ever shine I would shiver the whole night through Her husband, was a hard working man Case needs reopened.Case needs reopened! This was written by my favorite performer.

The girl cheated on her husband with the singer, he fell in love with her and either she kllled her husband or he helped kill him.

But his body never was found My girl, my girl, don't lie to me.

Now she’s cheating on him and he’s thinking she will do the same thing to him.

I think the pines is a place of comfort where he feels centred. Tell me where did you sleep, last night In the pines, in the pines Where the sun don't ever shine I would shiver the whole, night through My girl, my girl, where will you go I'm goin' where the cold, wind blows In the pines, in the pines Where the sun don't ever shine I would shiver the whole, night through Her husband, was a hard working man Verse 2. was over, but Cobain refused, saying that he sucked and that the whole band sounded terrible. 8 contributors total, last edit on May 23, 2020. Nothing to do with suicide..face it we all know who that song was aimed at and she does tooThe girl sleeps with another guy while he is at work.he caught her so her husband was in deep pain that he commit suicide on his work..'in pines where the sun dont ever shine i would shiver the whole nigt through'its just an excuse for the girl so that she could win him...why would one sadly say where do you sleep last to his wife'in case they dont hav a home or a bed..his wife turns to black girl cauz she flirts him..to show how much her husband love for her instead of black girl kurt knew the author's feelings hurt so he turns to 'my girl'

Tell me where did you sleep last night In the pines, in the pines Where the sun don't ever shine I would shiver the whole night through My girl, my girl, where will you go I'm going where the cold wind blows In the pines, in the pines Where the sun don't ever shine I would shiver the whole night through Her husband, was a hard working man

I think the song is mostly about not being able to score some black.

He risked everything for her, now she is betraying him just like she betrayed her husband.I always thought the song sounded like it involved a murder. I'm goin' where the cold wind blows In the pines, In the pines where the sun don't ever shine I will shiver the whole night through (Verse 1) Her husband was a hard workin' man Now she’s cheating on him and he’s thinking she will do the same thing to him.

How sad. View official tab. Lyrics: Thank you.

I think it's about retreating from the society, from a superfical world, the world of labour for the ones that rule the world, the world of accidents caused by arrogance and stupidity of the society. It's a tough realm where girl is leaving, but more real, more natural (pines) where she escapes, but one that makes the protagonist free if prepared.From Kurt Cobain: Please let me rest in peace. Em A G My girl, my girl, where will you go B Em I’m going where the cold wind blows Em In the pines, in the pines I would shiver the whole night through Her husband, was a hard working man Just about a mile from here His head was found in a driving wheel. Anymore in-depth analysis and you might as well be shuffling tarot cards and applying calculus to numerology. It's Where Did You Sleep Last Night, this song is a really old folk song apparently that Nirvana covered from Leadbelly, who covered that from who knows. You like him the best? It's about leaving and taking the hard way out (shivering), no longer following stupid dreams (the sun never shines). MTV wanted Nirvana to do an encore after "Where Did You Sleep Last Night?" Tell me where did you sleep last night Em In the pines, in the pines A G Where the sun don’t ever shine B Em I would shiver the whole night through.