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Not really. Consider the difference between a so-called dynamic adjective (or subject complement) and a stative adjective (or subject complement): I am silly OR I am being silly versus I am tall. I have chosen to be silly; I have no choice about being tall. We're not better than the Britons. The simple verb (in parentheses) is usually better: "There are enormous problems, but the interesting thing is that there's a remarkable new aboriginal elite, whether in universities or politics. Thus "be supportive of" for "support" is verbose.Sometimes it is difficult to say whether a To be verb is linking a subject to a participle or if the verb and participle are part of a passive construction. "Oh, we've got some gravy up here as well," came the host's riposte, immediately turning him into a national hero.
Written: Written between the autumn of 1901 and February 1902 Published: Lenin’s Selected Works, Volume 1, pp. Nearly half of Canada's native people live in homes needing major repair. In other areas too, such as health and education, people of the First Nations invariably come last.No surprises, then, when Mr Harper was re-elected with a majority last year on a jobs and growth ticket, having successfully steered the country through the global financial crisis.Have you been getting these songs wrong?Yet, in a recent survey, roughly half of Canadians agreed with government plans to build more prisons.In 2009, Hollywood actor Billy Bob Thornton, plugging his music on a radio show, seemed to be in a most undiplomatic mood. It’s hard to answer a question about what it’s like to be “very attractive” without sounding like an absolute dick, but I’ll do my best. What does this question really ask? The ruling Conservatives are strengthening ties with the monarchy, hanging the Queen's portrait in federal buildings and restoring the 'royal' prefix to the country's navy and air force.Overall, however, it appears a contented country, with a high quality of life.What happens to your body in extreme heat?Under his stewardship the country is also becoming tougher on crime.It's all part of what Noah Richler, author of the book What We Talk About When We Talk About War, calls a battle for Canadian identity. Question: "What does it mean to be a born again Christian?" Considering that we use it so often, it is really too bad that the verb “To be” has to be the most irregular, slippery verb in the language. With apparent disdain, he dismissed his Canadian audiences as "mashed potatoes with no gravy".In 2010, nearly half of the adult population gave more than two billion hours of their time to volunteer work.He believes the return to the crown is part of this. Our own plans are based on our limited knowledge.
What does it mean to be Canadian now?
The verb to beis the most irregular verb in the English language. Hence the cycle of suffering ensues.Speak to anyone who’s been in a motor vehicle accident and they’ll tell you their world was uprooted in the blink of an eye.
I remind you of the big bang responsible for creating the universe.Your arrival into this world is attributed to a similar event. Not really. Life can change at the drop of a hat, so you ought to be attentive to what you value most.“Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.” ― Ralph Waldo EmersonMost fears stem from expecting life to develop in a particular way.
"The defining trait of being a Canadian is understanding our good fortune, knowing that we're not actually better than anybody else," Mr Richler says.
The verb “To be” is said to be the most proteanof the English language, constantly changing form, sometimes without much of a discernible pattern.
Source: Lenin’s Collected Works, Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1961, Moscow, Volume 5, pp. Most head to the bright lights of Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver, though there is also increasing interest in the province of Alberta, where oil jobs beckon.But, behind the headlines, Mr Ralston Saul maintains a different story is emerging. "My message is that everybody had better get used to it. Your birth-mother no doubt underwent protracted labour to give life to the person you call “I.”Looking back, you no doubt faced setbacks and found your way through them. The Lord Jesus Christ is talking to Nicodemus, a prominent Pharisee and member of the Sanhedrin (the ruling body of the Jews). The verb to beis the most irregular verb in the English language.
In the second sentence, the predicate adjective welcome describes the feeling that the jurists must have had upon being so welcomed.Martha Kolln* suggests that we think of the difference between stative and dynamic in terms of willed and nonwilled qualities. You developed courage and a compelling inner resolve that firmed your character.What if you were to reinterpret the unpleasant events of your life? Not agreement on accents and religion," he says.Canadians love to give back too, devoting some of their free time to raising funds for good causes, stocking food banks and tidying parks.Lately, the country's gaze seems to be turning back to Britain. Sometimes, you don’t realise it in this lifetime. "They accept that difference is actually quite interesting.