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Why was the firm's background not checked?" Why We are Different. The Maxham Firm is an independent law firm which gives you direct access to our experienced attorneys who specialize primarily in patent and trademark law. We are the antithesis of the big banks and brokerage houses affiliated with Wall Street. We The People® has been a trusted name in the Legal Document Preparation industry since 1985. Matching the specific capabilities and talents of our team members to each assignment, we are able to streamline the process of issue identification, develop realistic budgets and quickly recommend workable strategies.

We are a San Diego based patent and trademark law firm serving locally, nationally, and globally since 1984. Who We Are.

We are one partnership across the world, sharing the risk and rewards of our business and with an over-riding duty to bequeath the firm in better shape than we inherited it. Member firms of the KPMG network of independent firms are affiliated with KPMG International. We’re independent, we’re all about our people — both our clients and our employees — and we believe in the power of communications to move audiences to positive action. Diversity characterizes our clientele, our workforce and the areas of law in which we practice. We appreciate the fact that in the real world business consequences matter more than legal theories.Clients know us to be responsive and accessible, working to achieve their objectives within the financial and judicial parameters available to us, be it through an early mediation, arbitration, summary judgment or trial. We are not your traditional law firm, we recognized long ago that clients are more interested in finding a successful solution to their legal problem than proving a point. We represent regular people who need representation and a voice in how their financial affairs are managed. We lead with a commitment to quality and consistency across our global network, bringing a passion for client success and a purpose to serve and improve the communities in which member firms operate. In a world where rapid change and unprecedented disruption are the new normal, we inspire confidence and empower change in all we do.KPMG member firms operate in 147 countries, collectively employing more than 219,000 people, serving the needs of business, governments, public-sector agencies, not-for-profits and through member firms' audit and assurance practices, the capital markets. Our Firm. No member firm has any authority to obligate or bind KPMG International or any other member firm vis-à-vis third parties, nor does KPMG International have any such authority to obligate or bind any member firm.We lead with a commitment to quality and consistency across our global network, bringing a passion for client success and a purpose to serve and improve the communities in which member firms operate. We’ve worked with clients from almost every state and some foreign countries.

Find out how KPMG's expertise can help you and your company.KPMG is a global network of independent member firms offering audit, tax and advisory services.Through helping other organizations mitigate risks and grasp opportunities, we can drive positive, sustainable change for clients, our people and society at large.© 2020 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. We’ve won trials against multinational manufactures, Fortune 500 companies, governments, and many others. The Fitzgerald Law Firm, based in Cheyenne, Wyoming, has a nationwide impact.