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1990,da war ich 17 und begeisterter Disco Gänger und es war so,das wenn TOMS DINER in der DNA Version lief(das Original ist ja eher ruhig,da es von der Songwriterin Suzanne Vega stammt,die für ihre ruhige Musik bekannt war/ist)war die Tanzfläche knackend voll! Song Tom's Diner (7" Version) Artist DNA; Writers Suzanne Vega; Licensed to YouTube by UMG (on behalf of A&M); Warner Chappell, CMRRA, LatinAutor - Warner Chappell, LatinAutor, ASCAP, UNIAO BRASILEIRA DE EDITORAS DE MUSICA - … "Tom's Diner" is a song written in 1982 by American singer and songwriter Edit Master Release Data Correct .
Ich warte an der Theke Auf den Mann, der den Kaffee einschenkt.

Suzanne Vega with a certificate presented to her at Fraunhofer IIS (Karlheinz Brandenburg stands behind her), 3 August 2007.

As with all legends, the story is complicated. Tom's Diner Songtext. Add all to Wantlist Remove all from Wantlist. Photo: Daniel Karmann.

"Tom's Diner," which was originally released as an a cappella recording on Vega's second album, Solitude Standing, was remixed in 1990 as a dance track by English electronic duo DNA with Vega …

Ich sitze am Morgen Im Imbiss an der Ecke. Photo: Daniel Karmann. The 1982 a capella recording of Suzanne Vega’s original song Tom’s Diner – like Vega’s own voice – has become synonymous with the history of the MP3’s creation. Suzanne Vega with a certificate presented to her at Fraunhofer IIS (Karlheinz Brandenburg stands behind her), 3 August 2007.
The 1982 a capella recording of Suzanne Vega’s original song Tom’s Diner – like Vega’s own voice – has become synonymous with the history of the MP3’s creation. Vega originally wrote “Tom’s Diner” in 1982 and it found its first release in 1984 on a compilation.

Tom's Diner deutsche Übersetzung. 1990,da war ich 17 und begeisterter Disco Gänger und es war so,das wenn TOMS DINER in der DNA Version lief(das Original ist ja eher ruhig,da es von der Songwriterin Suzanne Vega stammt,die für ihre ruhige Musik bekannt war/ist)war die Tanzfläche knackend voll!

I am sitting In the morning At the diner On the corner Tom's Diner auf Deutsch.

As with all legends, the story is complicated. I am sitting In the morning At the diner On the corner I am waiting At the counter For the man To pour the coffee And he fills it Only halfway And before I even argue He is looking Out the window At somebody Coming in. Suzanne Vega: Tom's Diner ‎ (Cass, Single) A&M Records: VEGAC 210: UK: 1987: Sell This Version: COL-8699, 75021 8699 7: Suzanne Vega: Tom's Diner ‎ (7") Collectables, Collectables: COL-8699, 75021 8699 7: US: Unknown: Sell This Version: Recommendations Reviews Add Review [m449592] Master Release. Tom's Diner deutsche Übersetzung von Suzanne Vega. Lyrics to 'Tom's Diner' by Suzanne Vega. Und er gießt ihn nur zur Hälfte ein. Tom's Diner Lyrics Übersetzung. Tom's Diner Songtext von Suzanne Vega. It is for entertainment purposes only. Tom's Diner Original Songtext. Artist: Suzanne Vega Song: Toms Diner Video Type: Music Video I do not own the rights to this song or the video.