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Ce n’est donc pas lui qui conduit la voiture de sport…La première partie du documentaire s’attarde sur le tournage des scènes chorégraphiques devant des écrans verts ou bleus, ces écrans utilisés au cinéma pour permettre au réalisateur de placer les acteurs dans n’importe quel décor. It finds the seven-piece singing and rapping both English and Korean bars about dancing the night away. SuperM performs energetic choreography in the "Jopping" music video, released Oct. 3. Ten raconte qu’il s’est brûlé rien qu’en touchant le sable avec sa main. C’est bien évidemment vrai, mais il serait réducteur de s’en tenir là. Elles sont d’ailleurs presque introuvables aujourd’hui !Première source française sur les séries coréennes, StellarSisters vous propose des news, des critiques, des avis à chaud et des dossiers originaux. WayV - Love Talk (English ver.)

I meanthat's just how the order wasActually, there is not much to seeso I'll go back inside againI don't know if you guys knowa lot about this butcause they were gonna film withthis drone from far awayAs the camera starts to rotatefrom here, I do lip synclike feed each other energyand you know, really likethrough all my experienceswith music videosRight, but remember whenwe were dancing on the sand?Wow, it's all desert over thereHow does that grow?How was our shoot from this morning?we had to use, like ride the tankIt was also my first time shootinga music video over a long durationSo we sent back the problematic carWhen the sun was settingwith the city backdropThe fact that we filmed in KoreaIf I were to describethis scene in one word?I feel like Aladdin would show upIt took about an hour to get here by carThis is the main outfitI altered itIt took a long time to start filming after practicing, right?Thinking about doing a group danceat such a hot location, it's a bit...and I never imagined we'd get toshoot a music video hereBut with each other, we were able tokind of uplift each other soThere was this one scenewhere we all had to come togetherdifferent backgrounds and everythingThis is better than what I worriedbecause it was takenfrom like a far distanceI believe TAEYONG and MARK of NCTwill finalize their shootings after me- Everything is going very well- Yeah, it isenjoying Dubai as much as I couldand LUCAS started their shooting firstSo Jopping first starts offwith all of us not togetheron the way hereand then we changed the carSeriously, I'm wondering if this is realbecause... they had totake all the cars outDidn't you come back in too soon?If they don't look forward to itwhat are you going to do?So we shot my video using these thingslike a real car, with a real driverSo there was a scene in whichI ride hard surrounded by sports cars- We're young and we like it- We can endurewe kind of like had to keep a sternI wish the three were shownmore drastically differentand we're all scatteredacross the globeWhile we're walking, we're kindof like talking to each other andI patched on the fishnet and wore itI'll show you that I move left and rightThis is 'Ocean's Eleven' vibe...You guys are witnessing the first dayof the total of five-day MV for Joppingwe all have different professionsof the five-day 'Jopping' music videoWith all of our different strengthsThree and four-people together andthree and five-people together like that...and with the light that we alwayshave with us from the startCause all the things thatwe've filmed in SeoulMy eyes are totally being blindedNext week, we're going to DubaiI never thought we'd shoot a music videoAs you can see, we're allstruggling from the heat butwhen, let's say one memberwas doing his own cut- How does that tree live here?- I knowBut I feel okay now after drinkingthree bottles of waterBut because I'm also partially ThaiI can endure this kind of weatherI sat together with my managers in a row in the backseatI was the last person to finishWow, there is a bug.

Let's do it!that took up all, at least half a dayor maybe a day and soto meet with other members from SuperMwhich kind of define how we allhave different colors andIt wasn't actually me butthe stand-in did a great jobAlso the car that I filmedwith was actually pretty dopeThis is my last day here in DubaiEven though we may be differentAnd I didn't know we'd get to shoota music video in DubaiSo if you go out after saying "yeah", I can come up.And you guys are now with meon the set of Jopping here in Dubaiso like the dusts flying in the airOn that stage, we finished upour Jopping performance- We're on stage on stadium- Yeahand even if we wereall separate from the startit's for the greater goodIt's for the qualityI should start like this and finish like thatThis morning me and LUCASwe shoot the scene thatlike late at night and stuff like that butHow are you feeling before the shoot?Actually, it's all picturesquewherever you shootI really can't believe it right nowThere'll be more dancing tomorrowwhere we end up being on our grandand final ultimate destinationSince so many staff and all our membersworked so hard to make this music videoDancing, after dancing,after dancing and likeAnd so with our strengths combinedwe created a great performance, which is JoppingMARK is also putting on sunscreenThere was a scene that the membersgather up riding motorcycles