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Like this animal, GRU Spetsnaz covertly and quietly operates in the dead of night around the whole world.Information on SOF personnel and operations is classified.

They were heavily involved in secret operations and training pro-Soviet forces during the Cold War and in the wars in Afghanistan during the 1980s and Chechnya during the 1990s and 2000s. Key Point: The ShAK-12 offers better handling in close-quarters combat. Whole Chechen units disappeared without a trace.Unlike their colleagues from Spetsnaz GRU, airborne special forces do not operate worldwide. Special Forces of the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, commonly known as the Spetsnaz G.U. The youngest among the Russian Spetsnaz units, the Special Operations Forces (SOF) were established in 2009. The elite units of the Soviet Armed Forces and Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are controlled, for the most part, by the military-intelligence GRU (Spetsnaz GRU) under the General Staff. It is known that its fighters took part in operations in Crimea (2014), Syria and clashes with Somali pirates.Get the week's best stories straight to your inboxThe mission of such units is to ensure the security of naval facilities and warships. Spetsgruppa A (Alpha Group) is the dedicated counter-terrorist force of Russia, created under the banner of … In the event of war, the PDSS undertakes saboteur missions in enemy waters.The youngest among the Russian Spetsnaz units, the Special Operations Forces (SOF) were established in 2009. During the First Chechen War, the regiment’s soldiers participated in the assault of Grozny.Check your email to confirm the subscribtionBorn in 1950, special units of the Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) are the “eyes and ears” of the Russian Army’s General Staff.If using any of Russia Beyond's content, partly or in full, always provide an active hyperlink to the original material.Alpha Group’s most famous operations include the assault (along with Spetsnaz GRU) of the Tajbeg Palace in Afghanistan and the assassination of Afghan President Hafizullah Amin in 1979.

Two years later, the Alpha Group counter-terrorism task force of the KGB was established. This structure is subordinate to the General Staff and includes and deploys all types of Army special task forces.Chechen militants were shocked by the Spetsnaz forces’ “silent” method of work: they quietly occupied building after building, leaving them for the motorized infantry that followed. The Special Operation Forces are a highly mobile, well-trained and equipped, constant combat readiness special operations force of the Russian Ministry of Defense, designed to perform specific tasks in order to protect the interests of the Russian Federation (with application of military force, by necessity), both within the country and abroad, in peacetime and in wartime.

This structure is subordinate to the General Staff and includes and deploys all …