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De toute évidence, la qualité des programmes sociaux n'est pas menacée par les mesures que le gouvernement a prises, bien au contraire . Antonyms for quite the contrary. 2. on the contrary quite the reverse; not at all either of two exactly opposite objects, facts, or qualities logic a statement that cannot be true when a given statement is true Times, Sunday Times ( 2006 ) This is not to say that managerial skill is irrelevant ; quite the contrary.

Lernen Sie die Übersetzung für 'quite the contrary, the economic strains must not be overrated' in LEOs Englisch ⇔ Deutsch Wörterbuch. Times, Sunday Times ( 2006 ) This is not to say that managerial skill is irrelevant ; quite the contrary. Celles -ci ne peuvent être exclues du marché sans que cela soit nécessaire, bien au contraire.

Sinhalese Aug 14, 2016 #4 Truffula said: They have the same meaning, but "on the contrary" is far more common. From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English on the contrary/quite the contrary on the contrary/quite the contrary DISAGREE used to add to a negative statement, to disagree with a negative statement by someone else, or to answer no to a question It wasn’t a good thing; on the contrary it was a huge mistake.

74 synonyms for contrary: opposite, different, opposed, clashing, counter, reverse, differing, adverse, contradictory, inconsistent, diametrically opposed.... What are synonyms for quite the contrary? Quite the contrary, it was a sensible and skilful effort in the tricky conditions. genisis-institute.org. On the contrary marks a contrast with a statement or even an entire argument just made. Entdecken Sie Quite the Contrary von Fegyo bei Amazon Music. Werbefrei streamen oder als CD und MP3 kaufen bei Amazon.de. Opposed, as in character or purpose: contrary opinions; acts that are contrary to our code of ethics. Quite the contrary - the family has undergone, and continues to undergo, remarkable renewal. These must not be unnecessarily squeezed out of the market, quite the contrary. adj. quite the contrary Übersetzung, Englisch - Deutsch Wörterbuch, Siehe auch 'quit',quiet',quitter',quits', biespiele, konjugation quite the contrary Definition Englisch, quite the contrary Bedeutung, Englisch Wörterbuch Cobuild, Siehe auch 'quite a bit',quit',quiet',quitter', synonyme, biespiele Quite the contrary - the family has undergone, and continues to undergo, remarkable renewal. To the contrary marks a contrast with a specific noun or noun phrase just mentioned. From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English on the contrary/quite the contrary on the contrary/quite the contrary DISAGREE used to add to a negative statement, to disagree with a negative statement by someone else, or to answer no to a question It wasn’t a …