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Please note the following when converting from m3 to kWh . The term first appeared on September 20, 1939 in a decree by the Gestapo and Sicherheitsdienst chief SS-Obergruppenführer Reinhard Heydrich to all state police departments: :"To avoid any misunderstandings, please take note of the following:...a distinction must be made between those who may be dealt with in the usual way and those who must be given special treatment. Veuillez prendre note des modifications suivantes à notre horaire régulier pour la saison des Fêtes . Le tableau suivant n'est pas officiel et vise uniquement à orienter les parties pour ce qui est de déterminer les coûts approximatifs de l'assignation ...] d'un témoin.

For example, if you're selling something on the internet that has to be mailed, your site might have this sentence: Please note that delivery may take up to three weeks. Please note the following changes to our regular hours for the holiday season . rheinenergie.de. galerie-co.com.

caminobarcelona.com. galerie-co.com. Nous précisions que ces mesures de sécurité ne s'appliquent pas forcément aux sites web comportant un lien vers notre présent site. galerie-co.com. galerie-co.com. Please note the following to obtain reliable results with the lowest possible range of deviation microlife.com Veuillez ten ir com pte des poi nt s suivants p ou r ob teni r des résultats fiabl es et la plu s p et ite plage d'é ca rt possible This sounds nicer:One reason to use "Please note that..." is because it can sometimes seem rude if you say or write things directly without any introduction. caminobarcelona.com.

rheinenergie.de. galerie-co.com. rheinenergie.de . Please note the following when converting from m3 to kWh . galerie-co.com. cra-arc.gc.ca Remarque : Il se peut que le présent éno ncé de p olitique, bien que correct au moment où il a été émis, n'ait pas été mis à jour afin de te ni r com pte de changements lég isl atifs ultérieurs .

For example, if you're making a short introduction at the beginning of a conference, you might announce:Copyright ©2020, All rights reserved.Please note that food and drinks are not allowed in the auditorium.Improve your English skills with Phrases AudioBook.Food and drinks are not allowed in the auditorium.Multimedia Learning Guide to Improve English Fluency.Please note that delivery may take up to three weeks. galerie-co.com. Note: Please note that the following policy statement, although correct at the time of issue, may not have been updated to reflect any subsequent legislative changes. One reason to use "Please note that..." is because it can sometimes seem rude if you say or write things … crtfp.gc.ca. caminobarcelona.fr. caminobarcelona.fr . Veuillez prendre note des modifications suivantes à notre horaire régulier pour la saison des Fêtes . Forbes 4 galerie-co.com. Explanation of the English phrase "Please note that (sentence)": This is a formal way to direct people's attention to some information. Ce service gratuit de Google traduit instantanément des mots, des expressions et des pages Web du français vers plus de 100 autres langues. crtfp.gc.ca. Please note the following changes to our regular hours for the holiday season . This is a formal way to direct people's attention to some information. For example, if you're selling something on the internet that has to be mailed, your site might have this sentence:But that could sound a little too strict. Please note the following chart is informal and is only intended to guide you in determining the approximate costs of summoning a witness. Please note the following: –In a very difficult macroeconomic environment, we have improved our operating metrics as announced in our sales and earnings press releases. Please note that these safety procedures may not apply to other third party websites with links from our websites. crtfp.gc.ca. rheinenergie.de . crtfp.gc.ca.