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However, Wamuu takes advantage of the split-second the sun is blotted by Caesar's attack to deliver a critical counter-attack. Log in or sign up to leave a comment log in sign up. 1 second from every jojo episode.

I've literally been contemplating watching this show since its inception. The video itself pretty much is.Man they were not kidding about this show. View discussions in 2 other communities.

Yes it's quite the adventure.I've literally been contemplating watching this show since its inception. ... JoJo ends up picking one that is too big for him to use whilst Wamuu uses the wind to guide his shots with the smaller crossbow, managing to hit JoJo's sides with a reflected shot.

This doesn't bring me one iota closer to deciding if I think I'd love it, hate it, or would just semi-painfully suffer through all of it for completionism.I still don’t even know how he knows about guitars lolI don't think the spoilers would matter since there's very little context to go off of from each scene.Lmao the clip where Giorno gets poked in the chest, immediately followed by a clip of him rolling around on the ground in agony.Sometimes, after watching the entire show, I remember how bizzare and weird and out of context it can be XD this clip reminded me.I love how the video is full of people yelling or something, but then all that stops and shows Jotaro being a bridge.the leg guitar solo is seriously like the best single scene in the seriesOne of the few shows that lives up to the marketing.Is this finally a video I can show to get people to watch Jojo? This doesn't bring me one iota closer to deciding if I think I'd love it, hate it, or would just semi-painfully suffer through all …

Be the first to share what you think! Too bad there are some spoilersThe suddenness of the shift from noisy to dead silent non-sequitor is excellent comedic timingThe subreddit is not.