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This expression dates back to the 1400s. All: One good turn deserves another, one good turn deserves another! This article was inspired (and requested) by a number of the members of the Recalibration Matrix and Across the Bifrost Patreon Discord server.

2. Bobby: It’s nothing. The dove rescues an ant in danger of drowning, and later the ant warns the dove about a hunter.Therefore, the idea behind this expression is that if one person does something kind, it is good to repay that kindness with a nice act of one’s own.This idea of helping one and receiving help later in return is even older than the proverb. Learn more.

This maxim was first recorded about 1400, and the converse, One bad turn deserves another , about 1500.

Tyrone: You help us search. Mr. and Mrs. Martin receive a letter from the latter's sister, asking them to receive into their family her daughter Mary. This maxim was first recorded about 1400, and the converse, One bad turn deserves another, about 1500. One good turn deserves another.

“Epidemic” vs. “Pandemic” vs. “Endemic”: What Do These Terms Mean?“Affect” vs. “Effect”: Use The Correct Word Every TimeWhat Does The Term “Nonbinary” Really Mean?What’s The Difference Between “i.e.” vs. “e.g.”?What Do “a.m.” And “p.m.” Stand For?A kindness is properly met with another kindness.Absentee Ballot vs. Mail-In Ballot: Is There A Difference?How Many Words Are There In The English Language?All Of These Words Are Offensive (But Only Sometimes)What Is The Difference Between “It’s” And “Its”? 'One good turn deserves another' is a proverbial expression that means, when someone does you a good turn, a good turn done in return is appropriate. one good turn deserves another A favor should be returned in kind, as in I'll give you a ride next time—one good turn deserves another . Pablo: We're …

Uniqua: Great, 'cause what we’re digging for is really, really big! Showing all 1 items Jump to: Summaries (1) Summaries. The theory went that I spent half my life generating heaps of green waste from multifarious garden tasks and I really should turn it into something I could use. Look it up now! For one good turn deserves another.-----LIST OF PROVERB EXPANSIONS , Press CTRL+F and Search your Expansion. Origin of One Good Turn Deserves Another. Definition: If you help someone, that person is likely to help you later. "The proverb is often used to describe corrupt practise, where favours (notably political or sexual favours) are illicitly given in exchange for cash. Therefore, one should never hesitate to do good for others. One Good Turn Deserves Another (1911) Plot.

A contract is said to be binding if it is 'One good turn deserves another', that is, if it involves an exchange of goods or services for something of comparable value, usually money. Another way to say one good turn deserves another Another Way to Say That Reword Phrases, Rewrite Sentences, Rephrase Expressions, Paraphrase Statements
One good turn deserves another definition is - —used to say that a person should do something nice for someone who has done something nice for him or her.

One Good Turn Deserves Another A couple of years ago we purchased and built (OK, Mike built) a run of three compost bins. Synonyms Antonyms Definitions Examples Related Parts of speech. I’d love to, just as I’m sure you’d love to help me move to my new house next weekend.

Top related terms for one good turn deserves another are tomorrow is another day, good time and good morning.

That's the lesson five store clerks learned recently. Thank you!One of these is about a lion that frees a mouse, and later the mouse helps the lion escape from a hunter’s net by chewing through the net. One Good Turn Deserves Another Meaning. I saw that you had rotated the tires for me on my truck, so I just wanted to repay the favor. After all, one good turn deserves another, right?This excerpt is the headline of an article about how a pet protected its family.Jennie: Wow!

Uniqua:We're two brilliant scientists, but we haven't found those bones!Tasha:Been searching, searching, searching under boulders, rocks and stones!All:One good turn deserves another!One good turn deserves another, one good turn deserves another!All:One good turn deserves another, one good turn deserves another!One good turn deserves another, one good turn deserves another!Tyrone:But now we've got together.All:One good turn deserves another, one good turn deserves another!Uniqua:Great, 'cause what we’re digging for is really, really big!Tasha:Even though you’re crusty, it’s the right thing to do!Tyrone:Been searchin' and a-searchin', and it's gettin' kinda old.Uniqua:We’re gonna help each other!Pablo:We're crusty ol' prospectors, but we haven't found our gold! Pablo: We help you dig. One good turn deserves another.

There are multiple fables that show a strong animal helping a weaker one, and then the weaker one helping the stronger one later.Two friends are discussing a favor.Andrew: I’m sorry to ask you this, but it’s an emergency.
Manners Make the Man - 2; Manners Make the Man - 1; One Good Turn Deserves Another Dear Ndi Anambra, the ever Gallant and Formidable PDP Delegates, One Good Turn Deserves Another.