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I Googled and Binged for a while and did not come up with anything. Thank you all! ... About 採用情報 Blog. This solved the problem. I duplicated a view in one of my view folders: hello.html.erb and index.html.erb When trying to access it via Started GET "/links/1/dislike" for at 2015-09-27 01:28:12 +0200. > > Check to see if you have a route for root in your routes.rb file. No route matches [POST] のエラー 解決法. Rails.application.routes.draw do devise_for :users root 'blogs#index' get 'blogs' => 'blogs#index' get 'blogs/new' => 'blogs#new' post 'blogs' => 'blogs#create' end attachment クリップ 0 気になる質問をク … 私のPCにRailsをインストールし、testappという名前でアプリを作っています。 rails sコマンドで起動し、サーバーは動いているのですが、ブラウザで確認してみると、No route matches [GET] "/testapp"と出てしまって困っています。 これはどうすれば解決できますでしょうか? chat_roomsモデルでshow.html.erbでエラーが起きている. put to. エラーの概要. Currently running through a ruby on rails guide and I seem to have hit a slight snag. I double-checked all of the route settings. When trying to access it via browser (localhost:3000/demo/"...")Only the original demo/index works but demo/hello has "No Route Matches"app/controllers/demos_controller.rb:Currently running through a ruby on rails guide and I seem to have hit a slight snag. No route matches the supplied valuesIn a previous post, I demonstrated how you can protect an ASP.NET Core Web API using the Microsoft Identity Platform. But when I change. No route matches [GET]の原因と解決策 ... Why not register and get more from Qiita? I started this library about 4 or 5 years a...If you’ve done much with Azure Functions and the Event Grid triggers, you’ve probably come across the post ‘Azure Function Event Grid Trigger Local Debugging...Microsoft Developer Services MVP, Director at Quicken Loans, Organizer of Desert Code CampI have code in the API for saving the contact which looks like this: I overlooked one mistake. We will deliver articles that match you. I double-checked the name of the ‘Get’ function, GetContactsAsync, and everything looked ok.I even tried to skip the nameof operator and just hard the GetContactsAsync, but I kept getting the exception No route matches the supplied values. rake routesをすると以下で出てくる。 In this post, we are going to look at w...In this post, we’ll walk through how you can use Azure Key Vault to secure sensitive settings in Azure Functions. By following users and tags, you can catch up information on technical fields that you are interested in as a whole. > If not, make it > *map.root :controller => "home"* > … get in routers.rb everything works fine - obviously, because it's using GET instead of PUT. I duplicated a view in one of my view folders:hello.html.erbandindex.html.erbapp/views/demos/hello.html.erb:Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow!Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information.To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader.get 'your url path', to: 'yourcontroller#youraction'eg. Qiita Team Qiita Jobs Qiita Zine > > No route matches "/home/index" with {:method=>:get} > > > Remove the /public/index.html file in your app directory. If you don’t have a Key Vault setup, I cove...For the past few weekends, I’ve been working rebuilding a library I wrote to make it easier to use Azure Storage. In the todo list index.html, I used the patch method not for "Mark Complete" action, but for "Edit". Is there a downside for using get instead of put here?