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This tag can be anything you want to call out, as long as it maintains the following format:For example, to use attributes to set the duration and volume for a breath to medium, you would set the attributes as follows:To use the tags together, nest one inside the other. Let us know.Subscribe to GeekWire's free newsletters to catch every headlineI don’t correct my dad because it makes me giggle.Regardless, the mispronunciations have generated headlines (OK, tweets) in the past.And no one corrected Bill Gates on Monday either.In a luncheon at the Economic Club of Washington, D.C., the Microsoft co-founder was asked about a certain online book-selling company called Amazon that eventually got into cloud services, and how Microsoft missed the business of cloud in its pre-Azure days.Only he didn’t pronounce it “BEY-zos.” Or, “BAE-zos,” if you’re a Beyoncé fan. How to say amazon. Happy networking! Anyway, like with many tech “fixes”, they also have cybersecurity implications. I love the idea of having name recordings online, especially given the likelihood that my own Eastern European name is likely to be mangled (Suzanne Kantra, you can confirm with Josh! For instance, the word "pecan" can be pronounced two ways. Amazon Polly takes no action on the tag, but returns the location of the tag in the SSML metadata. Gates said “BEE-zos,” just like my dad, who is a few billion dollars short of being in any other conversation regarding the tech titans.Catch every headline in your inboxFrustrated by continual mispronunciations of his name, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos orders gravestone imprinted with "It's BAY-zos, not BEE-zos. If text is spoken faster than this, it usually doesn't make sense. ! amazon pronunciation. Please note, however, that this sentence will still be billed as if it uses the neural voice.Text placed within the tag, it doesn't exceed the specified duration. Listen to the audio pronunciation in English. “It is a surprise and it’s a huge credit to Jeff Bezos and his team that they got out in front and with AWS did the best cloud product. Learn more. For example:To use the conversational speaking style, you use SSML tags and the following syntax::This is equivalent to specifying a pause using <break strength="x-strong"/>.When generating speech marks for a whispered voice, the audio stream must also include the whispered voice to ensure that the speech marks match the audio stream.To use the AWS Documentation, Javascript must be enabled. In addition to differences between voices for different languages, there are differences between individual voices speaking the same language.

To update these, we added a pronunciation property to our data for these answers. "Responding to a request from an employee at a recent shareholder meeting to have Bezos come out from backstage to listen to her comments, Amazon general counsel David Zapolsky said to the employee that “Mr. Complete Pronunciation Guide to Bible Names Skip to main content Bezos purchased The Washington Post for $250 million. To see the difference, test the following example with a US voice and with a UK voice:To add a pause between paragraphs in your text, use the <p> tag. For example, US and UK English differ in how phone numbers are pronounced (in UK English, sequences of the same digit are grouped together, as in "double five" or "triple four").