We were created to be filled and satisfied by the beauty of His love. We are a body with different parts. Everyone wants their gift to be recognized.
Here’s how God shows us this in 1 Cor. This kind of love will always expose the sin of others in a safe way that won't bring harm, shame, or damage, but will restore and protect.This kind of love puts the good of others before our own good. Our differences show we need one another, not that we should break up into factions. We will have to work through them. We need to stand for righteous causes. We’ve forgotten the process. I love the lyrics of this “love is patient, love is kind” song: Love is patient, love is kind, It does not envy or speak in pride, It does not seek its own reward: Oh, that’s how You love me Lord. ⇒ Love is patient and kind. This requires patience.Patience is a little bit different. It recognizes that our achievements are not based on our own abilities or worthiness.Now, let's take apart the verse and examine each aspect.This love is not overly self-confident or insubordinate to God and others.
It enables us to continue serving a community, even when it hurts us. “Love is patient.” He says.James warns us against being quick to speak and slow to listen. Let's take a look at the real meaning behind this popular Scripture. "Love is patient, love is kind" Bible verses from 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 shows us what true love is and how to display it. If you wanted to describe love, what word would you use first?
Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. But love is more than a word, it’s an action. Patience enables us to stick with people even when they disappoint us. It is eternal, divine, and will never cease.This kind of love cares about others, their customs, likes, and dislikes. Before you can show love, you need to understand the source of love. He meant that you had to have enough meals that the salt added together would add up to a pound. He refers to three great virtues: faith, hope, and love. This should moderate our feelings of antipathy to a degree and give us a feeling sympathy for our fellow human beings. Community is a challenge because people are different. We’ve forgotten how many pounds of salt we ate together to get the relationships that we have.Second, when I encounter obstacles or differences in relationships, I will not give up. It is crucial for community. I will remember that love is patient. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart (Heb. This hope filled love encourages others to press forward in the faith.The word "boast" here means "bragging without foundation." This kind of love does not exalt itself over others. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It always hopes and perseveres, It covers over a wealth of sins, It shuns all evil, delights in truth: Oh, I want to be like You. When God had every right to turn His back on me, He showed me the greatest love I have ever experienced. そして、セント・ミッシェル教会から庭園に出ると結婚式で鳴らす「愛の鐘」があります。意味深な言葉が刻まれたプレートが架かっております。 “Love is patient, Love is kind.” “愛は忍耐強い、愛は情け深 … 12:2–3). We were made to be loved by God. This love does not insist on getting its own way.This kind of love goes beyond the boundaries of ordinary love. It will not fade, get lost, or be taken away. At the heart of it was the disagreement between myself and another Pastor over important theological issues. This requires patience. In this famous passage, the Apostle Pauldescribed 15 characteristics of love to the believers in the church at Corinth.