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Ichiro Suzuki stood near first base after lining a single for his 4,000th hit, hugging his teammates one by one, basking in the resounding cheers of an adoring Yankee Stadium crowd. Even if you take away the first 899 hits of Charlie Hustle’s career (from 1963-67), he still tops Suzuki’s by 268 hits. He became the first rookie ever to draw the most votes for the All-Star game. We’ll never know but no serious person ever ranked him as a greater home run hitter than Henry Aaron.Ichiro then proceeded to lead the Japan Pacific League in batting for six more seasons, posting a .359 average for those seven campaigns. For Ichiro Suzuki, 41 Is the New 25 in Miami As Major League Baseball’s oldest position player, the future Hall of Famer still has doubters to quiet Ichiro’s 30.5 Wins Above Average between 2001 and 2010 are actually seventh-best for that span (although Utley and Beltran still rank better. "There is no current player I've encountered who has as deep an appreciation of baseball history as Ichiro," Idelson said. Pete Rose: after 4,192nd hit. Using the defensive component of WAR, he was 11th best overall and #1 among right fielders.The Mariners, led by their 27-year-old rookie right fielder, won 116 games to easily capture the A.L. "Suzuki, Bour and the Marlins are in playoff contention for a change. When he and his teammates returned to Marlins Park to begin a homestand, Hall of Fame president Jeff Idelson was there to collect additional Suzuki souvenirs.Bour, the Marlins' rotund first baseman, is famous mostly in his own family but expressed gratitude for the recognition from Suzuki.Suzuki, a baseball history buff, has visited Cooperstown six times. Was that ever proven to be incorrect? Suzuki put aside the one that produced the historic triple, one of the few mementoes he has kept.Suzuki's characteristically humble attitude regarding his achievement transcended the language barrier. I didn’t spend too much time focusing on this in my piece. But it’s going to be an uphill battle for Utley to draw the necessary 75 percent of the vote with the writers.Beltran’s 34.7 Wins Above Average make him the seventh-best position player in baseball since 2001. That's not really debatable: Parts of 19 seasons, 3,000-plus hits, Rookie of the Year, MVP, 10 All-Star appearances. We’re going to have in the HOF players from different eras who were objectively the best players ever, irrespective of professional league or on whichever continent they played. Rose never batted above .348, while Ichiro batted .350 or higher four times. His .268 average, .310 OBP and .343 SLG from 2011-18 translates to a well-below average 83 OPS+.We can also expand the conversation to include the Negro Leagues vs. the Major Leagues. Several dozen reporters and photographers from Japan had been logging lots of air miles following their nation's most famous athlete as he approached the milestone and subsequently went into a slump.