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You are imperfect but SO SO beautiful on the inside out. Nationality: American. Links. Tired of grey. Just hard to remind myself of that when I’m so bogged down in anger at myself.The trick is to truly start to love yourself, be your best friend, nurture your relationship with yourself, take care of you….and soon, surely, you will start to glow from the inside out. I guess sometimes it just still manages to get the best of me!How do you wake up each morning? You are a beautiful, unique person and all you are doing is trying to find your way.

Settings Layout. Does that make sense? When I practice self-love I literally feel like I’m either “denying the truth” of my ugliness or being prideful, which I know is just that combative voice inside of me fighting the real truth. It is such a simple thing that has created this wall I cannot quite climb. And its great that you write, keep at it. Sometimes I get tired of hearing myself talk, so I type. Self post . Keep us posted.You are not ugly, my dear. You are exactly where you need to be, no need to worry or hurry.

Ok, thanks!”. no comments yet. Using tumblr with an easy, clean and efficient interface was my goal. The thing I’ve been focusing on is silencing that voice or at least drowning it out with truth. Just Start Somewhere.

nsfw. You’re tired of loving too much, caring too much, giving too much to a world that never gives anything back. I'll never get tired of playing with myself in camera Source: Just Hot Blondes. Tell yourself something kind and nurturing the moment you wake up, like a mother would to her child (because we all have an inner child). You are stronger than you think you are and the fact that you are asking for help means that you are aware and wish to make changes. I hope not! im not too outgoing but i feel like i should shut up half the time. It’s like my brain literally can’t be comprehensive…like it can only focus on a couple of things and nothing else is even on the radar, even when it’s something I really need to make sure I get done. Author Profession: Actor. However, after spending nearly 2 hours straight sitting in the waiting room for my doctor to see me for a quick appointment that should have taken no more than half an hour (including wait time), I just want to scream.As far as body image, I also am having a hard time with that. I get tired of trying yet I won’t allow myself to stop? The thing is, I can think of a lot of things I love and appreciate about myself, but they just don’t seem that important stacked up against my list of “failures” and things I don’t like.

I get tired of myself pretty fast. The fact that it is a process that takes years, not hours, is something I need to remember. Login . But yes, try to watch your thoughts, how you speak about yourself amongst others and know that it takes time. Today at 11:45 AM I don’t know, sometimes i want sometimes I don’t, is that reason enough to satisfy your inncessant, infernal questions? Posted on June 1, 2019 June 12, 2019. Sort by.

Disenchanted. I hope I can charge myself when I get tired. Keep me posted,It’s so hard not to compare myself. Obviously, they decided that my site was no longer acceptable and they set up specific rules so that tumbex users no longer have access to the contents of tumblr.As many have noted, there are big problems with displaying images on the site.You are offline, do you want to try reload the page ?But don't worry, I'll be back soon with something even better;)It's unfortunate, I loved tumblr, that's why I created tumbex.