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LUX=Luxembourg. PRK=North Korea. The drawback is that maternal deaths can escape being so classified because the precise cause of death cannot be given even though the fact of … The Lancet , 392(10159), 1736-1788″, and is online here . JAM=Jamaica. Carl Abelardo T Antonio reports grants, personalfees and non-financial support from Johnson & Johnson (Philippines), Inc,outside the submitted work. Poor Sanitation: Sepsis can be caused by unhygienic conditions while giving birth. TON=Tonga. However, many women who want contraceptives do not currently have access to them, and if all the women who wanted contraceptives obtained them, the maternal mortality rate would decrease by as much as one-third.1. Child Marriage: Among girls aged 15-19 in low and middle-income countries, complications in pregnancy and childbirth are the leading cause of death. In addition to east Asia and Australasia, several other regions have consistently had lower MMR than would have been expected by SDI, including central Asia, central Europe, eastern sub-Saharan Africa, Western Europe, and high-income Asia Pacific. BHS=The Bahamas. Women treated as inferiors in society: Many women are not given the power to choose whether or not they want to use contraceptives and whether or not they want to have children. While Sepsis can be treated with a prompt delivery of antibiotics, many women do not get the treatment that they need.3. Historical patterns suggest achievement of SDG 3.1 will require 91% coverage of one antenatal care visit, 78% of four antenatal care visits, 81% of in-facility delivery, and 87% of skilled birth attendance.In summary, the overall change from 1990 to 2015 in global maternal deaths was roughly –29% and in MMR was –30%, both of which were well short of the MDG 5 goal of –75%. Of note, these territories were not included in the national totals for Denmark, the UK, or the USA, but were instead included in GBD 2013 regional totals.

Walter Mendoza iscurrently employed by the Peru Country Office of the United Nations PopulationFund, an institution which does not necessarily endorse this study. Improvements in healthcare, nutrition, and hygiene mean maternal deaths are much rarer today. This was 4·1% slower than would have been expected on the basis of SDI alone. BTN=Bhutan.

Since their bodies are still developing, child brides are vulnerable to many health complications, the most common being obstetric fistulas, 65 percent of which affect girls under the age of 18.