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In NPA/NXX switch grooming, an NPA/NXX (block/range) associated to a switch location is groomed to another switch location.
All T1 child circuits will follow. At first they may be tricked into thinking they are in a safe and normal relationship so they may not know it’s happening or may feel they have no choice but to be abused.The groomer may want to keep contact with their target and even isolate them from their supportive networks. As a result, it’s easy to trust them.The individual will offer to do special things or help the caregivers to gain alone time with the child.
groomingの意味や使い方 【医療】身づくろい((ADLsの一つ;⇒ADL, bathing)) - 約1158万語ある英和辞典・和英辞典。発音・イディオムも分かる英語辞書。 It is therefore critical that you are able to recognise the signs of sexual exploitation, as you may be the only adult in aposition to identify and respond to suspected abuse.Your role is simply to receive the information in an unbiased way and to reassure the child or young person that they no longer have to deal with the abuse alone. Because all circuits affected (T3 parent and T1 children) are CLF format, all connection IDs will change as a result of the groom.The Equipment Inventory Search window is displayed.The network groom is displayed in the Network Groom Search window.Expand the equipment and select an equipment port.
These must be deleted from the project so the assignments will not be removed when the groom is processed.The exchange area for the telephone number prefix is not updated.The Connection Hierarchy Search window is displayed.After the DLRD (or similar) task is completed, the Connection Hierarchy window for the parent bandwidth connections displays the following:In this example, the 4001/T0/SAAVPQXT/TABNUTXC bandwidth connection is unassigned from the 99990/T1/SAAVPQXT/TABNUTXC parent facility and this assignment is replaced by an assignment to the 99991/T1/SAAVPQXT/TABNUTXC parent facility.The equipment port assignments to the GLPTMS55K02 DACS will be groomed to equipment ports on the GLPTMS55K05 DACS.The child virtual's assignment to the parent connection 00/QHYU/006778/027/SBZ is removed and replaced with the assignment to the new parent connection 00/QHYU/006778/003/SBZ, which brings the new GATEWAY FOUNDATION 7 component onto the canvas.If the template is set up to automatically generate the next available value, the system pre-populates the window with these values. All eight T1s are assigned to channels of a T3 facility from GLPTMS55K04 to GLPTMS55BB2.