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Mujer del futbolista Andrés Iniesta, con el que lleva casado desde 2012, cuando ambos se dieron el 'sí, quiero' en el castillo de Tamarit en Tarragona. ¡Te...Hace solo unos cuatro meses que Andrés Iniesta dejó la camiseta azulgrana en el cajón para ponerse la del equipo japonés Vissel Kobe. Denn auf diese Kleinigkeiten kommt es an. Done deal: Iniesta … ampliar foto Anna Ortiz y Andrés Iniesta, en su boda en Tarragona, en 2012. gtresonline Iniesta y Ortiz comenzaron su relación en 2007 y, desde entonces, no se han separado. Este camino lo han recorrido uno de los matrimonios y familias más estimados en Catalunya: el que forman Andrés Iniesta, mito intemporal del Barça, y su mujer, la mataronina Anna Ortiz.
The comments below have not been moderated.Published by Associated Newspapers LtdEuro star: Iniesta (No 6) was in fine form as Spain won in Kiev last SundayThe views expressed in the contents above are those of our users and do not necessarily reflect the views of MailOnline.We are no longer accepting comments on this article.Part of the Daily Mail, The Mail on Sunday & Metro Media GroupDone deal: Iniesta got married just a week after winning Euro 2012Special guests: Lionel Messi (left) and Samuel Eto'o (right) were present Iniesta is a Catholic. Anna Ortiz, mujer de Iniesta, en una imagen del documental de Rakuten TV (FOTO - Rakuten TV) Javier Gascón Redactor.
Iniesta is married to Anna Ortiz; the couple began dating in 2008 and wed on 8 July 2012. Actualizado a 23-04-2020 16:21. Dies ist die Geschichte eines ganz normalen Mannes, der außergewöhnliche Dinge erreicht. Y disfrutar junto a ti de todo. Asà ocurrió con Malena Costa...Andrés Iniesta y Anna Ortiz sufrieron un duro golpé el 7 de marzo de 2014. ¡Somos afortunados de estar a tu lado! check this out! Anna Ortiz. The Hottest Wives and Girlfriends in SportsOn January Anna tweeted about adding a member to their family, could she be pregnant?Because Anna Iniesta is a Stylist is not weird to see her turn into a chameleon, from long to short hair, blond, red, and brunette, every style seems to suits this pretty WAG, who announced she was expecting her first child in September 2010.27-year-old Anna Ortiz Iniesta was born on December 11th 1986 in Catalunya, Spain, She has one younger sister Marta who owns a bakery.“I am so in love with her, we have been dating for almost two years she is a person who has helped me a lot”Anna Ortiz also known as Anna Iniesta is the beautiful wife of Barcelona’s amazing payer Andres Iniesta, this little giant has become one of the world’s best players, don’t judge him by his height, Andres in deadly in the field but a beloved husband and caring father outside the field.Anna and Andres welcomed their daughter Valeria on 3 April 2011, Anna became the new Mrs. Andres Iniesta on at the Castillo de Tamarit en Tarragona where over 300 guest were invited to their special day. They lost an unborn child, son Andrés Jr., due to miscarriage in March 2014.
Fue un 5 de octubre de 2007...Tras aterrizar en su sede en Krasnodar, la selección española se ha puesto manos a la obra pensando en los octavos de final del Campeonato del Mundo. She is an actress, known for Ugly Betty (2006), Devious Maids (2013) and Big Mommas: Like Father, Like Son (2011). And a week later to the day the midfielder was celebrating again as he married Anna Ortiz at the castle of Tamarit near Tarragona.
El próximo domingo...¡Toca darles la enhorabuena!