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%><%= picture.caption %><br /><br /><% end %>After reading assets pipeline, i make changes in my config/environments/development.rb and config/application:default_url => "/app/assets/images/small/rails.png"This is my views/pictures/index.html.erb<p id="notice"><%= notice %></p><%= page_header do %><% if signed_in? Hope all is well.

I'm kind of stuck in here, could you help me? Could this be something screwy on the network? That being said, I think whatever HTML gets Actioncontroller::routingerror: No Route Matches Post in order to help them achieve their dreams and change the …

GitHub is home to over 50 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together.However, whenever I try to access the page, the Rails app is returning with the above error message.Successfully merging a pull request may close this issue.Our docker file looks like the following:I don't understand why files in the public directory are not being served.We are trying to run Rails 5 with Webpacker in a Docker environment. Matthew Rupert wrote: Strange. Some noticed, all works well only then i install ruby and gem from rubyforge.com, install rails as gem not from apt-get, install mysql wrapper as gem not from apt-get, install passenger as gem not from apt-get(now in off rep version 2.03 but actually 2.0.6 ) I don't know where i went wrong.config/environments/development.rbGreatly appreciate any help. Thank you! ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [GET] "/system/pictures/assets/small/IMG_-_WIN_20141206_09 We are trying to run Rails 5 with Webpacker in a Docker environment. We do not want the webpacker-dev-server; we want to pre-compile the assets. I try to give :url and :path alsoand i also upload image of rails logo and move to app/assets/imagesI know that is in the html but you can see that the assets pipeline doesn't need or want the rest of the url. routes.rb.patch (456 Bytes) Hong-Jie Dai, 2013-01-09 17:09 Related issues Related to Redmine - Defect #12590 : Plugin routes.rb files are not getting included on Windows This may or may not help you.<ul class="thumbnails"> <% @pictures.each do |picture| %> <li> <div class="thumbnail"> <%= link_to image_tag(picture.asset.url(:small)), album_picture_path(@user, @album, picture) %><br /><br /> <div class="caption"> <% if picture.caption? I want to ajax call on _questions_form.

GitHub is home to over 50 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together. Looks like a Rack version to me =) Really no idea :/ Rails 1.0.1. Dismiss Join GitHub today. We do not want the webpacker-dev-server; we want to pre-compile the assets. It works without remote: true option, yet I am using actioncable and when I submit the form my actioncable data disappeared upon submitting , so I thought making the form with ajax call to prevent that issue. && current_user == @user %><%= link_to 'Add Picture', new_album_picture_path(current_user, @album), class: 'btn pull-right' %><% end %><h1><%= @album.title %></h1><% end %>$ mv rails.png app/assets/images/class Picture < ActiveRecord::BaseYou may not need the "/app/assets/images" just the "/small/rails.png"Here is an example of an image tag code I use.I'm trying to upload pictures in my rails app, bt it's giving me error:- ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [GET] "/system/pictures/assets/small/IMG_-_WIN_20141206_09. Hi guys, i'm using rails-api with devise-token-auth and rack-cors but I've experienced a really strange issue so far.